The opposition: Vote of confidence against Finance Minister Riikka Purra

Now voices are being raised for the Finnish Riksdag to interrupt its summer vacation to have a vote of confidence against Finance Minister Riikka Purra (True Finns).

This after it was discovered that she had written grossly racist and violent blog posts 15 years ago.

– She was 31 years old and a research student at the time, so it’s not about some angry teenage comments. In addition, there are significantly more recent comments she has written on her own blog that government colleagues now say are completely unacceptable, says SVT’s Finland correspondent Liselott Lindström.

– Many already believe that the government’s days are numbered. The scandals have succeeded each other and this shows the challenges of having a government that lacks a common value base and the cracks run very deep in this government, says Liselott Lindström.

Convene the Riksdag

Speaker of the Riksdag Jussi Halla-aho has said that he will convene the Riksdag if the majority so wishes. But in order to get a majority, it is necessary that one of the governing parties also wants a vote of confidence.

In the government are the Collection Party, the True Finns, the Swedish People’s Party and the Christian Democrats. According to Swedish EPN the opposition parties The Greens, the Left and the Movement have now said that they are ready to vote on confidence.

– The big question is if there is a vote on Riikka Purra, how will the government colleagues vote, will they go against their own government colleague?

Hear more about the racism scandal in the clip
