the opposition unconvinced by the proposal for a government of national unity

the opposition unconvinced by the proposal for a government of

In South Africa, the ANC’s proposal to form a government of national unity is warmly welcomed by the opposition. The ANC obtained only 40% of the vote in last week’s general elections and for the first time needs the support of other political parties to govern. After marathon discussions in the ANC on Thursday, President Cyril Ramaphosa said he wanted to join forces with a large part of the opposition. A call that did not convince.

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We cannot share power with the enemy », Reacted Julius Malema, leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF). This radical left party, which said it was ready to work with the ANC, but not with certain political groups, made it clear on Friday June 7, 2024 during a press conference.

No, no, it was abouta government of national unity, like that of Nelson Mandela. We don’t want this kind of government. We want a coalition and not a government of national unity, where we will end up with the wrong people. » A reference to the Democratic Alliance, a liberal party, many of whose executives are White.

The leading opposition party, the Democratic Alliance, also indicated that it was ready to discuss with the ANC, but not with “ the coalition of chaos » indicates one of its spokespersons, Werner Horn. “ We will not negotiate with political parties that are not committed to respecting the Constitution, the rule of law, the market economy and private property. And so we will not discuss with parties like Jacob Zuma’s MK and Julius Malema’s EFF. »

Jacob Zuma’s party has, for its part, refused any discussions with the ANC as long as President Cyril Ramaphosa is in office. Among the other political groups. The IFP, with its 17 seats in Parliament, claims to be not in principle opposed to a coalition. And the Patriotic Alliance, with its nine seats, said it was keeping an open mind.
