the opposition strongly criticizes Tshisekedi after his speech on the 64th anniversary of independence

the opposition strongly criticizes Tshisekedi after his speech on the

In the DRC, no official activity for the 64 years of independence, but speeches, notably that of President Félix Tshisekedi who praised his record at the head of the country. He was criticized by opponents and civil society who accuse him of demagogy.

1 min

With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Pascal Mulegwa

For opponent Moïse Katumbi, “ there is nothing that works, the suffering is total “. ” I wonder if we can still manage June 30. If I think of my brothers and sisters in the East who are dying every day, the social system is no longer working, there is interference in Justice, we cultivate hatred, tribalism, nepotism, criminality and banditry instead of reducing the standard of living of the State so that the population can get by », he denounces.

For Moïse Katumbi, 64 years after its independence, the DRC lacks a visionary leader. An observation shared by Martin Fayulu who accuses Tshisekedi of being at the root of the country’s current ills, starting with insecurity in the East and corruption.

It is imperative to shed light on all cases of corruption and embezzlement of public funds recorded to date. All thieves of public funds, old and new, must be brought to justice. “, he believes.

The citizens’ movement La Lucha claims for its part that the Belgian colonization abolished in 1960 gave way to ” a rotating oligarchic caste “.

The movement accuses the power in place of having mortgaged the independence and sovereignty of the country, again ” against the backdrop of their voracious appetites for profit “.

Read alsoNational holiday in the DRC: Félix Tshisekedi discusses the security situation in the East
