The opposition in Tingsryd: “Pure savings to lower taxes”

– What the Alliance wants to do is not to make it more efficient, but to implement savings in order to lower the tax in the long term, says Magnus Carlberg (S), 2nd vice-chairman of the health and care committee.

During 2024, the health and care board must save 21 million kroner, and the main saving measure that the Alliance pushed through is to remove the temporary workers, equivalent to about 20 full-time positions.

– We have to find lasting solutions and the operations can be made more efficient and organized in a smarter way, for example by letting the staff move between departments. It is possible to offer good service at low costs, says Jörgen Kennedy (M), municipal councillor.

Wanted to use the reserve box

The opposition in Tingsryd (S and V) had wanted to take money from the municipality’s profit equalization reserve to avoid making major cuts, as well as to review the costs also at management level.

– We are also critical of the fact that you only focus on assistant nurses while management and staff remain untouched. We would have liked to have a review of all levels in the organization, says Magnus Carlberg (S).
