the opposition coalition plans to participate in the presidential election of 2024

Signing of a cooperation framework agreement between Rwanda and the

In the Comoros, the opposition, after having boycotted the national assizes in 2018 and the presidential election in 2019 and then refused any dialogue with the authorities, has changed its tune. She plans for the first time to take part in the presidential election of 2024.

With our correspondent in Moroni, Abdullah Mzembaba

In a letter to the President Azali Asoumanithe Enlarged Common Front, an opposition coalition, made a 180° turnaround by expressing its intention to participate in the presidential election of 2024. It presented its proposals to guarantee fair elections and greater freedom.

A significant change

This decision marks a major change in strategy for this organization which had until now refused any discussion with the government in place.

To take part in the presidential election, therefore, the opposition is calling in particular for the release of political prisoners, the guarantee of freedom of movement, the equal tripartite composition between power, opposition and civil society in the bodies responsible for managing the elections and the cantonment of the army and the forces of order in the barracks.

New posture hailed

For its part, the government, through its spokesperson, Houmed Msaidié, welcomed this new posture of the opposition and called for a permanent dialogue between all the living forces to strengthen democracy and the socio-economic stability of the country. as desired by the President. Azali Assoumani has not yet personally reacted to the letter from the opposition.
