the opposition calls for continued mobilization, the majority condemns

the opposition calls for continued mobilization the majority condemns

In Senegal, three leaders of Yewwi Askan Wi were placed under arrest warrant on Monday, June 20, according to lawyers and members of the opposition coalition: MPs Déthié Fall and Mame Diarra Fam, as well as Ahmed Aïdara, mayor of Guediawaye. They had been arrested on Friday, in particular for “calling and participating in a prohibited demonstration”.

With our correspondent in Dakar, Charlotte Idrac

Friday’s protest was ” a success “, according to Khalifa Sall, former mayor of Dakar and leader of Yewwi Askan Wi, “ despite of the violation of the right of citizens to demonstrate “. After the death of three people in clashes with the police, Cheikh Tidiane Dièye, another leader of the coalition, promises “ actions before the courts, in particular a referral to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights of the United Nations.

Ousmane Sonko announced the rest of the action plan: a “ big event “on June 29, protest movements” spontaneous “, and concerts of pots and horns from Wednesday evening. A fight ” of principle for freedom and the rights “, especially that of demonstrating, according to Ousmane Sonko. “ On June 29, we are going to organize whether it is banned or not, because when it comes to demonstrations, the ban is the exception. And if Macky Sall wants to prevent this affair, I will demonstrate. And that he is ready either to arrest me or to liquidate me. »

Majority calls for end to protests

A strategy denounced by Aminata Touré. ” It is obvious that we cannot demonstrate every week, […] the Senegalese need to go about their business, to go to school. Workers need to get to their place of work “, answers the head of the national list of the presidential coalition Benno Bokk Yaakaar for the legislative elections. According to the former Prime Minister, Yewwi Askan Wi practices politics “ by violence and by force “, and this ” radical opposition must come to their senses “. “ Senegalese democracy is strong enough, rooted enough […] so that everyone can go and vote freely on July 31 “.

►Also read: Africa press review – The political showdown continues in Senegal
