The office bike, this piece of equipment that could save you money in the event of re-containment

The office bike this piece of equipment that could save

  • News
  • Posted on 01/25/2021

    2 min read

    Combining sport and work in confinement is possible. After ergonomic chairs and innovative objects to combine work and comfort at home, place the office bike, a hybrid equipment that burns calories without compromising productivity. Undoubtedly considered unusual just a year ago, this object is now unanimous on TikTok, proof that you will no doubt soon succumb to it.

    Four countries, including Portugal, England, and Israel, have already announced a reconfinement of their populations, while others, such as France, currently under curfew, are awaiting such a measure in in order to limit the spread of Covid-19 and its new variants. There was no question, however, of letting oneself down, or even of spending his days on the sofa, laptop screwed on his knees; a form of sedentary lifestyle that could prove harmful in the long term.

    Fortunately, many companies have competed in imagination since the first confinement to develop objects, unusual at first glance, which help improve the daily lives of those who are forced to spend their days between four walls, and incidentally to work from home. Ergonomic chairs, desk for standing work, desk for working in bed … Most of these innovations – admittedly sometimes questionable – seduced you during the first two confinements, but it is a desk of a new kind that is currently making the buzz on social networks, including TikTok.

    Bike-desk, sleep

    If we already know that the use of the bicycle is booming all over the world, we never suspected that it would become essential even inside our homes. And yet … In recent weeks, TikTok users have shown a certain enthusiasm for the office bike, an equipment that allows you to work while burning calories. A great way not to expose yourself to a sedentary lifestyle in the event of re-containment, but also to combine the useful with the pleasant – or the opposite, it all depends on your motivation.

    The concept is, however, far from being innovative; the society Tek Active not having waited for the first confinement to offer it to individuals, businesses, and even schools. Playing, working, doing homework, painting: these a new kind of bikes are distinguished from exercise bikes by their handlebars transformed into a tablet that allows you to indulge in various activities.

    The majority of TikTok users seem to turn to retail giants, such as Amazon, which offer a multitude of diverse and varied designs. And if we are to believe the number of likes and positive comments – if indeed this is a reliable indicator – the new generation is already conquered by this hybrid bike, which allows you to stay active for a good part of the day. . This equipment could also quickly be stolen the spotlight by offices equipped with a treadmill – yes, yes, it exists – which however seem more restrictive.
