The object he gets stuck in his rectum is astonishing, doctors must save his life

The object he gets stuck in his rectum is astonishing

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo)

    Doctors in Russia had to act urgently to remove a curious glass object inserted into a man’s rectum, a sexual gesture that could well have cost him his life. We talk about it with Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician.

    What is the most unusual object found stuck in the human body? The schoolboy question, which we want to ask emergency doctors, is nevertheless a reality: some people have a tendency to insert objects… in the wrong place. In Russia, this practice has recently reached a new level.

    Pint-sized jar found near intestine

    According to information from The Suna man would have presented himself to the emergency room with “a pint-sized glass jar stuck in the butt” announces the media. Or a half-liter jar. X-ray images taken at the hospital do not lie: they indeed show that the glass container was placed inside the man’s anus, going up to his rectum, towards his intestine.

    “It’s the principle of the suppository” reacts Dr Gérald Kierzek, medical director of Doctissimo, “once introduced, the sphincter contracts and traps it so that it does not come back down.

    However, at this moment, every minute counts: if the glass breaks, fragments can cut into the insides and prove fatal. The entire emergency procedure (an operation) therefore aims to remove the glass object, without breaking part of it. According to the media, the operation proved to be a success and doctors managed to recover the entire pot, as well as a condom and lubricant in his rectum probably used at the same time. The history, however, says nothing about the mental state of the patient or the procedure used.

    Object inserted, an emergency not to be taken lightly

    If the anecdote is surprising due to the special format of the object, objects stuck in the rectum or other orifices are a real health issue, which we have already talked about in this article.

    At the “intimate” level, emergency doctors sometimes find multiple articles problematic: “This can be beads or electrical wires in theurethrain men, tampons or condoms stuck in women or any kind of object such as candles, bottles or food in the rectum” our expert already indicated.

    In England for example, the country where the article comes from, 514 interventions for “manual removal of a foreign body from the rectum” were carried out between April 2021 and March 2022, proof that patients do not lack imagination.

    But whether we are scandalized or amused by these facts, the doctor reminds us “This can be serious, for example, by tearing of intestinal tissues. What you need to remember is that if an object gets stuck in the body, you need to see a doctor quickly, because it is an emergency.” he concludes.

    We therefore avoid “forcing” and go to the emergency room quickly. “There is no taboo to have with a doctor and medical confidentiality exists“, he concludes.

    Sexual accidents: emergency gems

    Slide: Sexual accidents: emergency gems
