the Nupes presents 650 measures to govern

the union of the left launches its campaign in Aubervilliers

After a fortnight of negotiations, the New People’s Ecological and Social Union finally gave birth to a ” government shared program “. 650 measures that it intends to apply if it wins the majority of seats in the Assembly during the June legislative elections to force cohabitation.

Even if for the moment such a scenario seems difficult to achieve despite the momentum of the Nupes in the polls, the various rebellious leaders, ecologists, communists and socialists met this morning to present this common roadmap. The French left had not presented a common program since the 1970s and wants to believe in it.

Minimum wage at 1,500 euros, retirement at 60, blocking the prices of basic necessities, 65% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 or even reform of institutions… Rebellious, environmentalists, socialists and communists have agreed on 650 measures if they come to power.

Obviously union is not fusionlaunches the figurehead of the Jean-Luc Mélenchon movement. Nevertheless, this makes it possible to delimit by the 650 measures a kind of central space in the political life of our family. »

A member of this family, however, did not see fit to come. It is the former communist candidate Fabien Roussel, represented by his party’s spokesman. But nothing to spoil the party, assure the other officials present.

The boss of the Socialists Olivier Faure welcomes the success of these negotiations. ” The discussion was very fluid with people who knew how to listen to each other and each time seek to overcome our own differences. »

But differences remain. On Europe, nuclear or NATO. Thirty-three measures in all, on which they do not agree. It is 5% of the program, minimizes the new union of the left, which promises that these subjects will be decided by the deputies once elected.
