The number of subscribers in Turkey for Disney + appeared

The number of subscribers in Turkey for Disney appeared

Disney+ is on the agenda once again today. This time, a subscription figure based in Turkey was announced. The company continues to grow here as well.

According to Birsen Altuntaş Disney+ has surpassed 2 million subscribers in Turkey, and in this context, a celebration was held in the platform’s office in Turkey. It is also reported that Disney Plus senior management, which aims to increase this figure to 3 million by the end of the year, has decided to issue an additional budget for the Turkish market. The biggest competitor Netflix, on the other hand, had 3.5 million subscribers in Turkey last we heard. However, this figure is currently estimated to be lower. Meanwhile, according to the official announcement by the company, all Disney services (Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN Plus) in total 221 million subscribers has reached. In this case, Disney 220 million subscribers has surpassed Netflix. Specifically Disney+ earned in the last quarter. 14.4 million total with new subscribers 152 million has seen the level. The company, which is growing rapidly in Turkey and investing heavily in domestic content, has reduced its future targets for the “Plus” service. The company normally thought that they would reach around 230-260 million subscribers in 2024. This figure reaches the level of 215-245 million. withdrawn.

The company recently announced a price hike. to remember again Disney+ service is currently monthly $7.99 subscription price, which is based in the USA in the first stage, on December 8 $10.99 level is raised. It is not yet known whether this increase will be made in other markets, but it seems very likely. You can subscribe to the service for 34.99 TL per month or 349.90 TL per year in Turkey.


Meanwhile, the firm has long been a ad-supported package working on it too. It is stated that this package will have $ 7.99 per month and will be activated in many markets on December 8th. It is not known exactly which of these markets is yet.
