The Norwegian police open a preliminary investigation into the coach Gjert Ingebrigtsen

Coach Gjert Ingebrigtsen still denies his sons harsh accusations The

The actions of the father of the Ingebrigtsen’s running family are being investigated as possible intimate partner violence. His three sons have previously said that their father used violence and threats against them.

Norwegian successful runners Jakob, Philip and by Henrik Ingebrigtsen father and former coach Gjert Ingebrigtsen subject to preliminary investigation. The Norwegian police said this in a press release on Thursday.

– We have conducted several previous investigations and the information we received has led to the fact that we are opening a criminal investigation into the case. The matter is being investigated as intimate partner violence, the police inspector of the South-West Norway Police District Terese Braut Våge says in the police announcement.

In previous weeks, the three top runner sons of Ingebrigtsen’s running family have claimed in public that their father has used violence and threats against them over the years. Gjert Ingebritsen has denied the brothers’ claims.

Read the previous twists and turns of the Ingebrigtsens’ affair in this story: How did a two-year breakup end up with accusations of violence? We gathered the turning points of the Ingebrigtsen family conflict

Police inspector Våge says that the investigation is now at a stage where the course of events is being investigated. Våge emphasizes that when intimate partner violence is suspected, the investigation must be done thoroughly and it especially takes time.

– Interrogation of the parties involved is central to our investigation. The police cannot comment on the content of the interrogations while the matter is being investigated. We will share limited information about the case in the future, says Våge.

When the investigation is completed, the prosecutor decides on the further processing of the case.

Both father and sons were awaiting an inquest

The defense attorney representing Gjert’s father John Christian Elden tells NRKthat the brothers’ father was waiting for the police investigation to begin.

– This was expected and my client is very sure of the outcome of this investigation, Elden commented in the defense’s press release.

According to the ex-coach’s previous comments, the explanation is welcome.

– They can explore as much as they want. They find nothing. I think the investigation is a great thing that should have been done a long time ago, considering all the rumours, Ingebrigtsen said last week to VG.

A lawyer assisting the comedian brother Mette Yvonne Larsen has confirmed to the Norwegian media that the opening of the police investigation has also been the will of the brothers.

The Norwegian media has not yet reached either side to comment directly on the initiation of the preliminary investigation. The Norwegian Athletics Federation has said that it does not want to comment on the matter.
