The Norwegian Forestry Agency needs to save – will reduce the number of employees

In recent years, the authority has saved around 50 million, but it is not enough. Before 2025, another 30-35 million need to be saved.

– Together at the authority, we have worked hard and well with savings for several years. Without that work, the situation would have been even worse. But now those measures are no longer enough and I have no choice but to start a process where we adapt our operations to the financial framework we know today, says general manager Herman Sundqvist in a press release.

Received reduced grants

Over a three-year period, the authority’s grant has been reduced by around 80 million. This is a reduction of 15 percent of the total authority allocation.

This, combined with the high inflation, is contributing to the authority needing to reduce the number of employees.

May correspond to 100 employees

There is no decision on notice today, but the need for savings currently corresponds to a downsizing of just under 100 employees, the authority states.

The Norwegian Forestry Agency currently has just under 800 employees. The Norwegian Forestry Agency has its headquarters in Jönköping and is present in 75 locations.
