The NHL’s hottest Finnish goaltender immediately made an indelible impression at the breakfast table – “It’s been incredible to play in front of him”

The NHLs hottest Finnish goaltender immediately made an indelible impression

Joonas Korpisalo is currently the toughest goaltender in the NHL. Los Angeles’ key defender Mikey Anderson incenses the Finn, who wouldn’t hide in the corner of the table.

Roope Visuri,

Johanna Juntunen

On TV2 and Areena, a delicious night of two NHL battles is on the horizon. NY Islanders and Carolina meet at 20:00, Florida and Boston at 22:30.

So far, the hottest Finnish goalie in the NHL playoffs has been the Finnish goalie of the Los Angeles Kings Joonas Korpisalo.

Korpisalo has already saved the Kings twice in the opening round against the pre-favorite Edmonton Oilers. The Kings, who entered the series as underdogs, lead 2–1. Korpisalo is greatly to be thanked for that.

The 28-year-old Korpisalo was traded from Columbus to Los Angeles at the beginning of March. He has convinced the Angel City team with a goal and has been the hottest goalie in the entire NHL in the playoffs.

Korpisalo made an indelible impression on his teammate right from the start to Mikey Anderson.

– I remember when he sat down at the table for breakfast on his first day. He chatted right away and didn’t hide in corners. He immediately came in the middle of everyone. “Korpi” may not be the loudest guy, but he’s not afraid to participate in the conversation and share his opinion, says Anderson.

Anderson, one of the Kings’ top defenders, especially praises Korpisalo’s character and outgoingness.

– It has been incredible to play in front of him. He has brought positive energy to the team. That’s very important especially now in playoff time like this. Korpi makes big saves when needed. Korpi has added comfort to what we do. He immediately asked what we do in different situations on the rink, Anderson lists.

There is a wonderful story behind the rise of Korpisalo. Just a year ago, his entire NHL career was at stake. However, after hip surgery this season, Korpisalo has been hit hard.

– It has been going very well since the beginning. The guys have received me well. It was easy to jump into the team, says Korpisalo, beaming.

– Now we are in the playoffs and this is fun!

Edmonton has really tough attackers, when the ranks include, for example, the best in the world Connor McDavid and another point cannon Leon Draisaitl. Superstar McDavid and his chain friends Zach Hyman mixed Evander Kane have not fallen behind Korpisalo in the playoff series even once in a draw.

– They (McDavid and Draisaitl) are probably the two best players in the world, you have to keep an eye on them all the time. In the previous game, McDavid was able to hit twice, but Draisaitl was caught nicely, Korpisalo described.

Rasmus Kupari Korpisalo also got another Finn to join the team.

– It was nice to have a Finn here. He hasn’t had to be helped terribly. He entered the team very well. The family has settled here. He seems to be enjoying himself here and the puck sticks, so what’s the matter, Kupari describes.

According to Kupari, Korpisalo’s good grips have affected the Kings’ essence in the rink.

– The team exudes confidence that Korpisalo is the last lock. You can place bets when you trust him to catch the pucks, says Kupari.

Korpisalo’s contract is currently valid until the end of the season. Anderson hopes that the Finn would continue his NHL career in Los Angeles.

– I hope he stays here. We are lucky that he is playing for us now, Anderson praises.

The first round of the NHL playoffs is full of magic – and curses. It was underlined quickly this spring as well. What does the specialness of the opening round consist of? And how does it feel to play the first playoff game?

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