the NGO “Tournons la page” calls on the ANGEL to publish the minutes of the counting of the polling stations

the NGO Tournons la page calls on the ANGEL to

In Chad, the Chadian branch of the organization “Tournons la page” released a long report this Thursday, June 6, entitled “Joy shots and democracy in tears”. One month to the day after the May 6 presidential election, the citizen movement is calling into question the credibility of the vote which was won by Mahamat Idriss Déby, according to the final results of the Constitutional Court. “Let’s turn the page” draws up a damning observation of the electoral operations, which the National Election Management Agency disputes.

3 mins

At Chadthe organization Tournons la page international and its Chadian branch review, throughout this report of around forty pages and dozens of others devoted to the annexes, all the stages which led to the presidential election of May 6. And they don’t mince their words.

Dead of Yaya Dilloa very virulent opponent, in the assault on his party’s headquarters by the army or even dozens of people killed by “joy shooting” by the police during the proclamation of the provisional results of the election, “ the electoral process was marked by great political violence “, denounce the two organizations which also point to a vote made opaque according to them “ by a series of decisions which prevented any independent verification of the announced results “.

Free and malicious accusations according to the ANGEL

This ranges from the ban on taking photos of counting minutes in polling stations to the refusal to make these minutes public as required by law, including the refusal to accredit independent national observers, always according to ” Let’s turn the page.”

The general rapporteur of the National Election Management Agency (ANGE) denounces gratuitous and malicious accusations. “ We centralized all the minutes, everything was done with total transparency », assures Tahir Hassan. “ The problem “, he said, “ this is because we published the results in a very short time », three days instead of the two weeks planned. But the ANGEL put for this “ colossal means “, he assures.

We have centralized and entered all the tickets. Everybody was there. It was transparent. The candidates, those who wanted, we even said that they could come and see the seizure that was being made. The problem is that we published the results in a very short time because we deployed planes to all the remote provinces to collect the PVs. And this is what allowed us to compile the results. And everyone knows that. For the first time, a body in charge of elections published the result in three or four days. The minutes of the 26,000 polling stations have been made public. Those who want to consult can come and consult them. The minutes of the 26,000 polling stations are archived here at the ANGE level. We do not yet have the means to put them online, because we have not yet created the platform. All of this is technical work that is being done.

The coordinator of TLP – Chad, Jacques Saham Ngarassal calls for all the minutes to be made public, to give credibility to the election.

Esdras Ndikumana
