The next step of the Ace Sports Director In a brief sport

Janne Vuorinen, Sports Director of Pori Ace, will not continue in her position after the end of the current contract. His contract ends in the spring of 2026.

Ice Hockey League Society Pori Ace Sports Director Janne Vuorinen will not continue in position after the current contract has expired, Ace said on Monday on his website.

Vuorinen, 42, previously worked for the Jokers in Helsinki and moved to Pori in 2022. His contract expires in the spring of 2026.

– Preparation is the key to success in the hockey business. For this reason, I told the club leadership as early as my decision as possible that next season is my last in the Ace sports leadership. I wanted the club to have all the time and the knowledge to prepare for the future, Vuorinen said.

– However, focusing and doing is strongly in the success of this season and in the next season’s team building.

Sixth in the League starts to map the new sports director immediately.
