The next generation Tomb Raider has been announced! Coming with Unreal Engine 5

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In the special presentation made for the Unreal Engine 5 graphics engine, the new game of the Tomb Raider series, which is identified with Lara Croft, was also announced.

The new Tomb Raider game has been announced as a surprise. A series of new announcements were also made in the Unreal Engine 5 special presentation called State of Unreal 2022, which took place in the past minutes. One of these announcements was the new Tomb Raider game, which was announced to use the Unreal 5 graphics engine. Although there is not much information about the game, we can say that the ambitious statements made have increased the expectations in terms of visuals.

New Tomb Raider announced! Coming with Unreal Engine 5

The game is being developed by the Crystal Dynamics team, who also signed the final trilogy. The experienced team recently signed the Marvel’s Avengers game, but they received great criticism due to the system of the game made in the Square Enix distribution. The new Tomb Raider announcement was made by Dallas Dickinson, the general manager of the series. Stating that they will present a high-quality cinematic action-adventure game, Dickinson also expressed that the production team wants to push the limits.

The name of the game or any image of the game was not published. This indicates that it is at a very early stage. Although there is no platform explanation, we can say that the game will come to PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X consoles.
