The next film hasn’t even gotten the green light yet

The next film hasnt even gotten the green light yet

Three years after the end of the Skywalker saga, the future of Star Wars in cinemas is still unclear. As Disney+ takes Star Wars series after series to the galaxy far, far away, we wait in vain for a concrete announcementwhat kind of movie awaits us next on the big screen.

Rogue Squadron was originally scheduled to hit theaters in December 2023. Due to creative differences, the project was temporarily postponed indefinitely. Instead, at the Star Wars Celebration in April, Lucasfilm President assured that the next Star Wars film will come from Taika Waititi.

Taika Waititi’s Star Wars film isn’t wrapped up yet

Kennedy recently even stuck to the December 2023 launch. However, it is now clear that this date is unrealistic. Waititi has emphasized several times in recent weeks that not even a complete script exists. In an interview with the New York Times, further uncertainties come to light.

I’m trying to get my Star Wars idea down on paper right now. I’m excited to see how this goes because as soon as I see her [bei Lucasfilm] submit, it will turn out when [der Film] is made or if it will be done at all.

The trailer for the last Star Wars film so far:

Star Wars 9: The Rise of Skywalker – Final Trailer (German) HD

the When-Question shouldn’t come as a surprise. the If-Question, on the other hand, comes unexpectedly. Of all the Star Wars films currently in development at Lucasfilm, Waititi’s project looked like the safest. However, if even the director has doubts as to whether his film will really be implemented, there seems to be general disagreement as to how Star Wars should continue in the cinema.

The next Star Wars film will have to reposition the star saga in cinemas for years to come. Just after the flop of Solo: A Star Wars Story is Lucasfilm become very carefulwhich Star Wars films are getting the green light and which aren’t. The lengthy production history of Obi-Wan Kenobi also shows this.

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Do you think we will see Taika Waitit’s Star Wars movie?
