The new law comes into force – this is how you sort the packaging now

The new law comes into force this is how

At the turn of the year, a number of different new laws came into effect. For example, the police were allowed to strip-search foreigners to look for identity documents and security guards were also given increased powers.

Six months later, when we are now in July, additional laws and regulations are starting to come into force. Among other things, the tenancy law is tightened, which should make it easier to evict criminal tenants.

READ MORE: Here are the new laws that will come into effect in 2024

Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

DO NOT MISS: New law for receipts comes into force in July – they are affected

New law on single-use plastic – the corks are stuck

Another law that comes into force these days is the EU directive on single-use plastics. As of July 3, plastic caps and plastic lids on beverage containers sold within the EU must be attached to the container itself throughout use.

READ MORE: Now the new law comes into effect – here are the packages that are affected

Photo: Helena Landstedt/TT

The new corks and lids, which were already rolled out by several producers last year, have received a lot of criticism – not least from rheumatism patients. At the same time, the directive and the new mandatory design have been defended by, among others, Håll Sweden clean.

– This arouses a lot of strong feelings and if you don’t understand why it is being introduced, it is just perceived as an obstacle to consumption. But it’s not about making it more difficult for people, it’s about throttling the supply of plastic objects into nature, has Johanna Ragnartzwho is CEO of the organization, told TT earlier and then continued:

– We have to change our behaviors big and small, because we are in the middle of a climate change that none of us wants. And the basis for the legislation is that we find huge amounts of plastic objects in nature and in the oceans.

DO NOT MISS: Therefore, Arla removed the old milk packaging

How to sort paper packaging with plastic caps

But what should be done when recycling paper beverage containers, where the plastic cap in question is attached in accordance with the new EU directive?

According to the waste portal Sopor.nuwhich is a collaborative project between, among others, Waste Sweden and Näringslivet’s Producer Responsibility, the plastic cork is actually allowed to remain even on packaging that is sorted as paper in general.

Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

“There is therefore no obligation for the cork to be removed before the packaging is sorted as packaging waste. If you sort your paper packaging with the plastic cork remaining, the paper packaging will be separated from the plastic cork and the material recycled. The cork will be incinerated”, can be read on the website.

If you choose to remove the cork and instead throw it among plastic packaging, it is also fine. Even then, the material will be recycled.

READ MORE: Here, Arla’s criticized plastic caps are the most difficult to open
