“The new iPad Pro models will have the best OLED panels in the market”

OLED iPad Pro models can see 4TB at the top

“The new iPad Pro models will have the best OLED panels in the market.” You can find this directly from the reliable source DSCC regarding the screen. says.

In fact, Display Supply Chain Consultants, a solid authority on screens, says, “They use by far the best OLED tablet panels on the market – based on 120 Hz LTPO” he says, this is of course It excites those who are waiting for new tablets. Based in South Korea for these 11-inch and 12.9-inch size panels Samsung Display Apple has been working with Apple for many years and has made great efforts to reach the desired level, especially in terms of durability. If you don’t know, it will organize an event on May 7. According to reliable source for Apple, Mark Gurman, the company At the May 7 event specifically two new M3 with processor iPad Pro, two new M2 with processor iPadAir (One model here will have a 12.9-inch screen), new aluminum body for these models Magic Keyboard keyboard model and new Apple Pencil Pen model will come. Sharing new information about these models last weekend, Gurman said that iPad Pros with OLED screens are not M3s. He said that it can be built on the newly introduced M4 processor. We use the M4 processor especially when it comes to productive artificial intelligence. (based on Neural Engine) Apple, which is thought to feature It looks like it will use the M4 processor on the Mac side at the end of the year. By the way, the new Apple Pencil haptic feedback It is among the new claims made by Gurman that it will carry support and thus make it feel much more natural. Among the new information given by Gurman, it is also noteworthy that new control movements will be offered with the pen.


Many different claims have been made for OLED Pros so far. For example, Apple has offered a matte coating option for the monitors it has been selling for many years (Apple calls this Nano-Texture Glass) offers. Many people like this coating because it prevents reflection, latest claims It shows that Apple may also offer a matte coating option for OLED iPad Pro models. Apple, which is thought to sell the matte coating that it will bring for the first time to the iPad side, at a higher price, may please many people in this regard because it already has the iPad. Using with matte screen film There are many people. Meanwhile, competitors are not standing idle. For example A new tablet had recently arrived from Vivo.
