A study carried out in 2022 points the finger at young Generation Z and their fear of certain, yet basic, work tools.
Have you ever felt disconcerted by new software or unfamiliar social networks? While it is estimated that 58% of TikTok users are teenagers according to a study by “Pew Research Center”, many Internet users still swear by older social solutions like Facebook, Instagram or even YouTube to a certain extent.
New social networks like TikTok have quickly become essential to young people, to the point of now being used instead of traditional search engines. According to Forbes, the majority of Generation Z now uses Instagram and TikTok to search the internet before ultimately considering using a browser like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
Figures which are easily verified on these platforms where publications by young adolescents abound and multiply through different “modes” of videos and photos which seek to amass likes and comments.
However, this new generation so connected to the latest digital tools seems not to be as comfortable with certain everyday devices. In a study carried out in 2022, one in two young people under the age of 25 fear using certain office tools or solutions that are very basic and used in the world of work.
According to this study carried out by HP in 2022, the tool most feared by Generation Z in the workplace is the office printer. On certain forums, several young people even express their concerns when they need to use this device as part of their work: “During a job interview, I was once asked what aspect of IT I liked the least. I told them it was printers without hesitation and they laughed.”
This fear could simply be explained by the lack of need to use a printer in the 21st century. In today’s digital age, Generation Z very rarely needs to print documents and therefore finds themselves lost when they need to use a printer for their first jobs.
The other big fear of Generation Z comes from the tools of the Adobe suite and more particularly Excel. This online spreadsheet management software is often recommended in many professions, but little used during studies or in the free time of new generations. The latter therefore feel harmed by this tool and do not hesitate to seek information on TikTok or Instagram where there are numerous tutorials for Excel or Powerpoint.