The new frontiers of the Italian music industry: the virtuous example of FM Records

The new frontiers of the Italian music industry the virtuous

(Finance) – In the ever-evolving panorama of the Italian music industry, FM Records stands out as aindependent record labelwhich was able to achieve excellent results in 2023. Its work focuses on film soundtracks and music production for the audiovisual sector and has managed to establish itself as a point of reference in the sector thanks toattention to detail, quality and human approach that characterizes them. These are elements that should not be underestimated in the panorama of the Italian music industry, in concert with the ability to adapt and innovatefundamental value of FM Records.

Thanks to this type of approach, the data of the Italian music industry is growing. In 2022, the music market Italian recorded a increase of 11.1%, exceeding the global average. The streaming represents the 66.7% of revenues total, with a 13.7% increase in subscriptions to streaming services compared to the previous year.

FM Records represents a virtuous example in this sense, achieved over time through years of work and success. The label, in fact, was founded in 2005 by Alessandro Pinnelli, musician with over twenty years of career. With over 500,000 songs in the catalogueFM Records today represents some of the most prestigious catalogs in the audiovisual sector, offering a wide range of services, from original music production to music consultancy. There production It takes place in professional studios with real musicians, distinguishing itself from the trend towards the use of digital sampling. This is also why we can say that FM Records delivers excellent quality musicwith a multi-genre international catalog and a particular focus on classical music.

2023 brought 22 releases, including soundtracks, albums and singles from new artists. From here the label has demonstrated its versatility and ability to adapt to market needs. The record company in turn owns two sub-labels: FM Records Music, a multi-genre label with an international flavour; And Mamma Mia Music, which offers original pieces of Italian music, crossing various styles and historical periods, always looking at the union between music and images. In this historical period another factor of vital importance is the continuous contact search and the ability to network.

Participation in PMC 2023 (Production Music Conference) by Los Angelesan international meeting that annually brings together musicians, producers, publishers and professionals specialized in audiovisual music production from all over the world, has therefore further consolidated its international presence by FM Records. It must be said that the prospects and future developments of FM Records are not limited to this. Looking to the future, the record label aims to enhance the technological part of the platform, implementing services artificial intelligence. All this while maintaining an active line of human approach in the music sector, looking at new technologies as an opportunity and a challenge.
