The new expansion Dragonflight is here and the first player reached max level 70 in just 2.5 hours

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

The wait is over and the latest WoW expansion, Dragonflight, is finally here. The first fan has already reached the maximum level 70 after only around 2.5 hours. But that’s not all that happened this week. More on that in the MMORPG weekly recap.

The highlights of the week:

The discussion of the week: Our MMORPG expert Alexander Leitsch believes that the future of MMORPGs has never looked better than it is now – but not everyone thinks so.

The excitement of the week: Players are pouring $1.7 million into an MMORPG that’s now dead and not at the same time.

By the way, in Dragonflight you can even fly 2 on dragons:

WoW Dragonflight: Dragon flying for two – This is how you activate it

New World is struggling because the new servers are much more popular than the old ones

This is what happened in the big MMORPGs:

  • New World did their fresh start servers so well that now nobody wants to play on the old ones anymore – Now the developers have to act.
  • In addition, New World announces its roadmap for 2023, but it looks surprisingly empty (via
  • WoW player finds absolute OP build, kills enemies in PVP in 1 second, but players expect it to weaken soon.
  • In Dragonflight, you should also wait to redeem your weekly rewards, because they will get better soon.
  • ArcheAge 2 is a new hope for sandbox fans, we’ve rounded up everything you need to know.
  • Black Desert changes some monsters in its PC version and starts the Christmas season (via massivelyop).
  • Lost Ark reveals more details about the crossover with The Witcher, so you should not only be able to meet Ciri and Geralt, but also Yennefer, Delphinium and Triss. There are also new skins with which your characters can look like the heroes from The Witcher (via
  • The 11 Best MMORPG Expansions of All Time – According to Metacritic as of 2022

    This is what happened with the small MMORPGs:

    Lost Ark and The Witcher? This is what the cooperation looks like:

    The Witcher is Coming to Lost Ark – New Trailer Shows Why It’s a Real Fit

    Ashes of Creation shows really nice times of the day

    This is what happened with the MMORPGs in development:

  • Ashes of Creation not only shows new fight scenes in a new, 40-minute video, but also a change between day and night that looks really good (via massivelyop).
  • After Bless Online and Bless Unleashed, Bless Global is a new version of the game that is based on blockchain (via massivelyop).
  • There is also news for the profane. The developers showed a roadmap and a new monster (via massivelyop).
  • This is the MMORPG news of the week at a glance. What is your highlight? Did you experience something interesting this week that you would like to tell us about? Or have we perhaps forgotten something important? Write it to us in the comments here at MeinMMO.

    MeinMMO editor Benedict Grothaus asks himself: Is Blizzard finally back on the right track with WoW Dragonflight?
