The new era has begun! Tested for the first time at Istanbul Airport

The new era has begun Tested for the first time

In Turkey, 5G Technology started to be used for testing purposes for the first time with a ceremony held at Istanbul Airport. Attending the ceremony, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Adil Karaismailoğlu said, “Europe’s busiest airport, Istanbul Airport, is now equipped with 5G. We suddenly found ourselves in 5G technology. We started talking,” he said. In addition to the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Adil Karaismailoğlu, Deputy Minister Ömer Fatih Sayan, general managers of Vodafone, Turkcell and Türk Telekom, Member of the Board of IGA, Istanbul Airport Operator Mehmet Kalyoncu and other guests attended the introductory ceremony.

At Istanbul Airport, where 5G technology was used for the first time, Minister Karaismailoğlu had a video call with actor Kenan İmirzalıoğlu.


Speaking at the ceremony, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Adil Karaismailoğlu said, “Mobile phones are developing rapidly in mobile technologies because they are one of the technologies most frequently used by human beings. While 4G and 4,5G technologies have just entered human life, we suddenly found ourselves in 5G technology. Now we have 6G technology. “We are talking about implementing it. We think that 5G will not meet the speed and security in the data flow determined in the future. Therefore, I would like to remind once again that we are at the point of producing 5G technology, which constitutes the key point of digital transformation, with domestic and national means. Our country will not be a follower, but a followed.” On this path we have opened as the state, we will carry our business world, universities and young people together with us to the place that Turkey deserves.Turkey will continue on its way with important and serious breakthrough strategies in 5G technology, which represents the 5th generation mobile technology. It’s almost time for us to meet 5G. We are happy to share these achievements with you at the launch ceremony of Turkey’s 5G journey. In the process after the 5G tender we will hold in 2023, we will use the next time in the most efficient way to develop these products and to use them both in our domestic and foreign markets.”



Reminding that Istanbul Airport is the busiest airport in Europe in terms of number of passengers and aircraft, Minister Karaismailoğlu continued his speech as follows:

“We are at Istanbul Airport, the place where they say they can’t be successful even if they are successful. Istanbul Airport has an economic value of 75 million square meters, where there is no life and greenery, 10 billion Euros investment is made without a penny from the state, and 25 billion Euros rent is made during the operation period. Istanbul Airport has become one of the most successful projects in the world with its guarantee. There are no awards or records that Istanbul Airport has not broken. An average of 1,400 aircraft and 230 thousand passengers use Istanbul Airport daily. It broke the all-time record with 1,422 flights on July 8, 2022. Istanbul Airport Europe “It has become the busiest airport in Europe. Istanbul Airport, the first airport in Europe, is becoming a 5G airport today. Preliminary preparations have been completed for 5G coverage and infrastructure to provide 5G signals to subscribers in the regions determined at Istanbul Airport.”


Explaining the data for the first quarter of 2022 in the field of informatics, Minister Karaismailoğlu said, “In the field of informatics, in the first quarter of 2022, we grew by 21 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. We increased our fiber line length from 88 thousand to 478 thousand kilometers. We increased our number of fiber subscribers from 154 thousand to 5 million in fixed infrastructures in twenty years. Our mobile subscribers reached 87.5 million. Our broadband subscribers reached 89 million. Our M2M subscribers reached 8 million. While developments were taking place, we reduced the average tariff fee of 8.6 kurus per minute ten years ago to 1.5 cents. We recently put into service TÜRKSAT 5B, the most efficient and powerful satellite of our country, including the entire Middle East, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Mediterranean, North and East Africa, South It has a wide coverage area that will include South Africa and its close neighbor countries,” he said.

