The New DCU Will Be Connected To Video Games, And James Gunn Says So

The New DCU Will Be Connected To Video Games And

James Gunn probably wants to put things in order in the DCU. This is indeed the observation that we can make since the director was challenged on Twitter by an Internet user asking him if the next films overseen by the latter will be connected to the various video games. The answer could not be clearer, since James Gunn answered in the affirmative. The answer is however short, and the filmmaker obviously does not want to spread out on this subject for the moment, the latter having a lot to do to put the DC Universe back on track. On the other hand, we can say that it will be necessary to wait a few years before finding any connections between films and video games, since the next Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League from Rocksteady and the supposed Wonder Woman from Monolith Productions have been developed without no relationship with the feature films planned for the cinema. Moreover, we do not know if there is any interest in linking these two universes, if not to complicate the thing. In any case, we wish James Gunn and Peter Safran a lot of courage: there is a lot on the board…

DC Extended Universe
