The new concealer trend: blush under the eyes

The new concealer trend blush under the eyes

  • News
  • Published on 05/20/2022 at 11:39 a.m.,

    Reading 2 mins.

    TikTok users are lifting the veil on a new beauty tip: “under eye blush”. Having gone viral in a few weeks, this technique consists of applying blush under the eyes to camouflage dark circles. This new beauty trend seems to be unanimous.

    A true trend incubator, TikTok has a particular passion for the diversion of beauty products. Replacing your mascara with petroleum jelly, using an adhesive tape as an anti-wrinkle, a fork as a brush, or even lipstick as an eye shadow, are among the tips that have known the most great success on the Chinese social network. That is to say ! And users do not intend to stop there. The proof is now the turn of the concealer – the best ally for concealing the said dark circles – to be upstaged by… the blush.

    Apply blush under the eyes

    Surprising at first sight, this new technique, “under eye blush”, simply consists – still it was necessary to have the idea – to apply a good dose of blush under the eyes to blur dark circles and other bags. Each user has their own very specific method, but the trend has indeed taken hold on the social network with no less than 4.6 million views for the hashtag #undereyeblush. And in view of the comments posted under each of the videos, the trick is a totally unexpected success.

    The American make-up artist @paintedbyspencer is one of the first to have presented this new method. In a short video, we can see the TikTokeur applying powder blush under the eyes, and explain why this technique is not only effective but also foolproof. The professional believes in particular that it brings radiance, unlike concealer alone, and recommends choosing a pink, coral or peach blush, preferably in a matte version to avoid bringing out the pores.

    Another variant

    While many users carefully follow the technique taught by the make-up artist, others have chosen to do as they please and apply their own beauty routine. This is the case of the user @makeupbyalissiac who offers a variant. The young woman first applies a pink liquid blush, then covers it with a touch of concealer, and blends everything before adding a touch of powder blush for the mattifying side. We must admit that the rendering is stunning.

    Most users who have experimented with this new beauty tip seem surprised – and delighted – with the result, initially believing that the blush could only accentuate dark circles. It must be recognized, it is not so. But is that really surprising considering that only a few months ago users swore by lipstick under their eyes, for obviously the same purposes. The weeks follow each other, and are barely alike on TikTok.
