The new coalition government wants to cancel the planned housing fair in Karlskrona

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The ruling Karlskrona Alliance, consisting of the Moderates, the Sweden Democrats, the Liberals and the Christian Democrats, presented its budget proposal for 2023 on Wednesday.

– When we decided to govern together, we made an agreement where we put together the policy we agree on, so now we picked from there, says Emma Swahn Nilsson (M), chairman of the municipal board.

Safety and school are the areas that had the highest priority. Among other things, the parties want to expand the work with night walkers and security guards, as well as introduce educational meals in the municipality’s schools and increase the number of pedagogues in pre-school and primary school.

Want to shut down Expo25

It is also clear that the new board wants to cancel the five-year project Expo Karlskrona ahead of the planned home fair Expo 25, which has been going on for two years. Something like BLT was the first to report on.

– We want to continue to invest in Karlskona as a world heritage city, but not in the form of a project that will end in 2025. We will take parts of the investments with us, but we are looking at exactly how it will look now, says Emma Swahn Nillsson (M).

Opposition councilor Sandra Bizzozero (S) is critical of the closure of the project.

– I think it could damage the municipality’s reputation. We have built a brand around the project and have many partners who are involved. We see it as an important development investment for Karlskrona, she says.

The budget is to be hammered out at the municipal council’s meeting on December 19, where the four alliance parties form a majority.
