The new champ K’Sante starts weak, but becomes an overpowering monster in the hands of experts

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

The new top laner K’Sante has been active in League of Legends for almost a month and a half now. In a Chinese LoL tournament, the “Demacian Cup”, professional players are now showing for the first time what is possible with the champ: in the hands of weak players, K’Sante sucks, but in the hands of the best he becomes an animal.

This is the location of K’Sante in LoL:

  • The champ has been in the game since November 2nd, 2022 – the LoL pro season was already over by then. It is intended as a tank for the top lane.
  • When K’Sante appeared and the “normal players” tried him, they often failed: K’Sante’s win rate slipped to around 43.50% (via dexerto). This is evidence of a champion that is clearly too weak: That’s why the first buffs came in the patches.
  • But now the first major tournament in LoL is taking place again: the Demacian Cup in China and that’s where K’Sante can shine.
  • K’Sante Champion Spotlight – League of Legends

    K’Sante enters at the top of the LoL meta

    How strong is K’Sante rated? K’Sante is seen as a strong top lane pick at the tournament, which can be seen from his high pick and ban rate (via oracleselxir):

  • He has a rate of 52.8% – that’s 5th place, only Varus, Yuumi, Fiora and Syndra have higher stats
  • K’Sante was picked in 24 games, which is 5th overall for the champs – he won 63% of his games out of the 24 games
  • By the way: Aatrox, who was considered a very strong pick for a long time, is having a hard time at the Demacian Cup. His win rate is only 27% – while Fiora is even stronger than K’Sante at 70%.

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    K’Sante’s solo kill against Aatrox shows his strength

    In which play does his strength show? There is one play that shows K’Sante’s strength. Here, Thirter Talk Gaming top laner Hoya plays against Bin on Aatrox, an excellent top laner.

    K’Sante can triumph here with his skills and get a clear solo kill, a rarity at this level.

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    How’s the D going?emacia cup? The Demacian Cup is going a bit against expectations this year because “all the big teams” are already eliminated: JDG Gaming, Royal Never Give Up and EDward Gaming, the big Chinese teams that were also in the Worlds, are all eliminated.

    In the final are “relatively unknown teams” such as Bilibili Gaming and ThunderTalk Gaming.

    How is K’Sante discussed now?? In the meantime, everyone is pretty much in agreement that K’Sante is a “high skill tank”: You have to hit your skills, then the hero is strong. In the hands of experts it becomes a monster.

    But if you miss every skill with him, you’ll look terrible on K’Sante and will curse the champ.

    More about LoL on MeinMMO:

    A champion in LoL is so perfect that it has never been changed – and probably never will be
