The new cabinet in Greece has been announced! 4 Turks entered the parliament

The new cabinet in Greece has been announced 4 Turks

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias was appointed as Minister of Defense, former Minister of Digital Audit Kyriakos Pierrakakis was appointed as Minister of Defense, Giorgios Gerapetritis, a close friend of Mitsotakis, was appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kostis Hatzidakis was appointed as Minister of Finance, Former Minister of Education Niki Kerameus was appointed as Minister of Justice, former Minister of Education was appointed as the Minister of Justice. Interior Minister Makis Voridis was appointed as State Minister.

Michalis Chrysochoidis was appointed as the Ministry of Health, Theodoros Skylakakis as the Ministry of Energy and Environment, Lina Mendoni as the Ministry of Culture, Lefteris Avgenakis as the Ministry of Agriculture, Olga Kefalogianni as the Ministry of Tourism, Christos Staikouras as the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, and Dimitris Keridis as the Ministry of Immigration.



In the general elections held in Greece yesterday, 4 Turkish-origin parliamentary candidates entered the parliament. The Radical Left Coalition – Progressive Alliance’s (SYRIZA) candidate Özgür Ferhat and Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) candidate İlhan Ahmet Rodop, SYRIZA’s candidate Hüseyin Zeybek and PASOK candidate Burhan Baran from Xanthi, are eligible to enter parliament. won. (UAV)
