The Netherlands already voted in the European elections, and according to door-to-door polls, the result is going to be surprising | Foreign countries

The Netherlands already voted in the European elections and according

A centre-left coalition is expected to win the EU elections in the Netherlands.

The Dutch already voted yesterday, Thursday, in the European elections. The race is becoming tight between the center-left coalition and the right-wing populist Freedom Party, according to door-to-door surveys.

According to door-to-door polls, the coalition consisting of the Labor Party (PVDA) and the green GroenLinks party would win the elections and get eight representatives to the European Parliament.

On Thursday evening, the predicted winners celebrated the result at the election supervisors in Utrecht.

Alliance leader Frans Timmermans said on Thursday that the success of pro-European parties is a signal to the rest of Europe that there is no need to cooperate with the radical right.

Wilders still hopes to win

According to door-to-door surveys Geert Wilders the right-wing populist Freedom Party (PVV) is getting seven seats. It would be a significant improvement compared to the previous European elections. Then the Freedom Party got only one representative.

– We are the biggest winner tonight. It’s a beautiful result, Wilders told reporters Politico by.

According to Wilders, the next few days will be decisive for the future of Europe. According to him, then it will be decided whether there will be more open borders and immigration or a tighter policy in the future.

Wilders expressed his hope that the Freedom Party would still come out on top when the official results of the European elections are published on Sunday.

The results of the door-to-door polls of the European elections seem to confirm that the rise of Wilders’ party is continuing. The Freedom Party won the Dutch parliamentary elections last November.

The results of door-to-door polls are of interest to Europe

The results of the Dutch door-to-door polls are being followed with interest across Europe, as they may give clues about the continent’s wider political trends, says British broadcasting company BBC.

The far-right is expected to do well in the European elections, in addition to the Netherlands, at least in France, Italy and Germany, reports Politico.

In Finland, the EU elections will be held on Sunday, June 9, 2024.
