The Netflix charts have been dominated for days by a film with Those About To Die star Emilio Sakraya, although it went completely under the radar at the time

The Netflix charts have been dominated for days by a

In recent years, Til Schweiger films lost a lot of box office power. This includes his directorial work Saving the World as We Know It, which was released in November 2021. The tragicomedy was seen by only 70,000 people within the first few weeks of its theatrical release. By comparison, Honig im Kopf attracted over 7 million viewers at the time.

Netflix recently released Saving the World as We Know It, starring Those About To Die star Emilio Sakraya, as a streaming service and seems to be attracting new attention. The mix of drama and comedy has been in the top 10 films for days.

Til Schweiger film in the Netflix charts: This is what Saving the World as We Know It is about

The story revolves around 18-year-old Paul (Emilio Sakraya), who, after a depression and suicide attempt, diagnosed with bipolar disorder His father Hardy (Til Schweiger) must now learn to deal with this new realization and his son as a single father.

When Paul goes to a therapy center for young people with mental illnesses and meets people his age with similar problems and suffering, he befriends Toni (Tijan Marei). She has a trauma from abuse and her mother blames her for her uncle’s actions. Paul and Toni escape from the clinic together.

Watch a trailer for Saving the World as We Know It here:

Saving the World as We Know It – Trailer (German) HD

What about Those About To Die Season 2?

Anyone who liked Those About to Die with Emilio Sakraya is probably wondering whether a second season of the gladiator series will be released by Amazon Prime. The sequel is currently not yet officially announced However, series creator and director Roland Emmerich has already said that he thinks a second season is extremely likely.

Podcast on the end of a Netflix era: Films like Rebel Moon will never be seen again

Netflix is ​​facing a turning point. Films like The Irishman or Rebel Moon are a thing of the past, family-friendly entertainment is in, and at the same time the quality of the films is set to improve. At least that is what some forecasts promise. What is the truth?

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