The Navy CIS series ends this year forever – that’s the start date for the last episodes on Sat.1

The Navy CIS series ends this year forever thats

The big NCIS universe is getting a little smaller. The NCIS spin-off Navy CIS: LA ran for more than three decades. After a total of 14 years, 14 seasons and 323 episodes, it ended in May of this year. At that time, the final episode ran in the USA. As reported by DWDL, it is now available German broadcast date for the final Navy CIS: LA episodes.

When will the last episodes of Navy CIS: LA come to Sat.1?

As usual, German broadcaster Sat.1 is showing the remaining Navy CIS: LA episodes.

  • Season 14 starts on August 22, 2023.

  • The episodes always air on Tuesdays at 9:15 p.m.
  • At joyn* stream the episodes a week earlier.
  • The last season consists of 21 episodes.
  • The finale is a double episode.
  • The series finale is expected to be broadcast weekly in early 2024.
  • Sat.1 embeds the episodes in other series from the NCIS universe: So you can see a new episode of NCIS from season 20 before Navy CIS: LA. It is currently unknown when season 21 of the main series will come. Production has been put on hold due to two union strikes in Hollywood.

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