the national oil company launches its first exploration and exploitation operations

the national oil company launches its first exploration and exploitation

The Nigerien authorities officially launched this Saturday, June 22, the prospecting and exploitation operations of the Nigerien Petroleum Company on blocks located in the regions of Diffa and Agadez. This is the first time that Sonidep has taken the lead in upstream operations as a national operator, although the country has been producing oil since 2011.

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At Niger, Sonidep, which until now was mainly in charge of marketing petroleum products, is launching into the exploration, exploitation, transport and refining of petroleum. The Prime Minister who was present on site, Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeinen highlighted a “ big challenge “. For sector specialist Jean-Pierre Favennec, the challenge is particularly technical. If in many states on the continent, national companies are also responsible for extraction, they do so in partnership with recognized oil companies. This is the case even in the largest producing countries like Nigeria.

Few details are currently known. Olive Energy would be Sonidep’s main partner. Ahmed Ouenes, its general director, was present during the ceremony. This American company already works with state oil companies in Congo-Brazzaville and the DRC.

On the occasion of the signing of the contract between the State and Sonidep last March, the government stated in particular that the Agadem blocks were “ small size ” but ” of a potential that could be significant “. “ See you in the near future for the reception of the first barrel » declared the general director of Sonidep without setting a precise deadline.

The authorities aim to create local jobs and develop expertise, but it is also about politics. The Prime Minister rejoiced during the ceremony of this “ historic moment in the march ” from the country ” for the affirmation of its sovereignty and independence “.

It is first of all a political posture since all the political rhetoric of the States of the Alliance of Sahel States is about the new nationalism. The revival of political emancipation also involves the economy. And so all three of them tighten state control over the natural resources sector and particularly the mining sector.

The analysis of Thierry Vicroulon, researcher and coordinator of the Central and Southern Africa Observatory of the French Institute of International Relations

Charlotte Cosset
