The national congress of Italian geologists begins at the Palazzo dei Normanni: homage to the fallen of the Capaci massacre

The national congress of Italian geologists begins at the Palazzo

(Finance) – Today, in the prestigious historical-cultural setting of the Palazzo dei Normanni, seat of the Sicilian Regional Assembly, the opening ceremony of the National Congress of Italian Geologists.

On the occasion of this very important day, which marks the anniversary of the Capaci massacre, where the magistrate Giovanni Falcone lost his life together with his wife, Francesca Morvillo, and the agents of his escort, Vito Schifani, Rocco Dicillo and Antonio Montinaro , there was no shortage of reflections from President of the National Council of Geologists, CNG, Arcangelo Francesco Violoregarding the value of the sacrifice of these great “servants of the State”.

“Thanks to the commitment of these men – declared Violo – it was possible for the country and the institutions to react firmly against the mafia to restore legality in vast parts of its territory. It is necessary to nourish the memory with pride, so that the environments in which all this happened may become increasingly arid.”

With specific reference to the inauguration of the National Congress of Italian Geologists, which in the next three days will involve numerous geologists from all regions of Italythe President of the CNG, in his welcome greetings, expressed gratitude to all the institutional authorities present, the Ministers, the Undersecretaries of State and the National and European Parliamentarians.
In Italy, in fact, they are approximately 1,500,000 professionalswhich alone produce 12% of GDP, playing a fundamental role not only for the economy but above all for society. The professionals in the technical-scientific areas, however, number around 600,000 and come together, together with geologists, in the Technical Professions Network. Just in recent years the the professional figure of the geologist has become increasingly fundamentaldue to the growing need for specialized technical figures, capable of intervening and managing highly complex situations, linked above all to the climate emergency, the supply of natural resources, the energy crisis and territorial planning, which require more professionals to deal with increasingly difficult challenges.

“The commitment and will to pursue increasingly tenacious results, not only for the category but, above all for the general interests of our country – stated Violo – must always be renewed. This Congress – he continued – wants to be the opportunity to lay the foundations for further proposals that we will discuss together with representatives of the political, academic, research world, the relevant specialist bodies and the professional world”.

During the ceremony, the Minister of Mobility and Infrastructure, Matteo Salvini in his speech referring to the housing planYes is complimented the work of the category of Italian geologists is carrying on. “Everything can be improved. I don’t have the presumption of considering all the measures approved in almost a year and a half by the government to be perfect. However – added Salvini – we listened to everyone before arriving at the Council of Ministers, my intent is to listen, work day and night with common sense but with the typical concreteness of those who, like you professionals, have to deal with a complex reality, I am thinking of the issue of the Messina bridge”.

“Italy, for better or for worse, represents a true geological catalogue: widespread seismicity is associated with the presence of several volcanoes, some of which are among the most active, but our territory also suffers from widespread hydrogeological fragility – he declared on Minister of the Environment, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, in a video message sent to the National Congress of Geologists – carrying out interventions to limit the risk is therefore crucial, a national priority. In addition to the safety of the territories and citizens, the development of our country, of the entire country, is also at stake. At the Ministry we are very clear about the central importance of risk mitigation and adaptation as the next phase. Between 2010 and 2023 the Ministry has planned 3,441 interventions for approximately 5.43 billion euros”.

The Deputy Minister of Justice Francesco Paolo Sisto – who joined in the greetings via a video message – declared “we are attentive to all the needs that come from the professional orders. It should not be forgotten that we are experiencing a Pnrr emergency – he said – we must never forget that the task of the professionals is aimed at guaranteeing our country the merit of the funds quickly.

There opening ceremony concluded with the best wishes aimed at achieving all the important objectiveswhich geologists will have the opportunity to explore in depth during the conference days and which will be implemented in the near future for the good of the country.
