the National Assembly votes to abolish the audiovisual license fee

new funding for public broadcasting debated in the Assembly

The deputies adopted this Saturday morning the abolition of my television license fee, a tax of €138 per year which was used to finance public broadcasting, of which RFI is a part. Public broadcasting will in future be financed by VAT.

It was one of Emmanuel Macron’s rare campaign promises in favor of the purchasing power of the French. Only half of the deputies were present this Saturday to put an end to 89 years of history. By 170 votes against 57, the National Assembly voted at first reading for the abolition of the license fee for public radio and television, created in 1933. La République en Marche, Les Républicains and the National Rally voted for; the left-wing Nupes alliance came out unanimously against.

Majority and LR amendments were adopted to allocate “a fraction” of VAT, for an amount of around 3.7 billion euros, in order to address concerns about the financing of this sector. During this often turbulent session, the Minister of Public Accounts Gabriel Attal expressed his attachment to ” strong public broadcasting “, while qualifying” obsolete » this fee based on the possession of a television at the time of tablets and other smartphones. The fee is currently set at 138 euros per year in mainland France.

In five years, twice, under the presidency of Emmanuel Macron, we will have abolished two taxes: the housing tax, five years ago, the TV license fee, today. We assume to remove taxes that weigh on the French “, Argued Gabriel Attal.

A project ” untenable »

But financing public broadcasting through VAT is a dangerous game, judge Éric Coquerel, rebellious deputy and chairman of the finance committee. ” Henceforth, the public audiovisual budget will be limited and will eventually only be able to go down and no longer progress. It shows that your project is not tenable “, he launched with the majority in the hemicycle. An opinion shared by the right which believes that the device should only be temporary. ” There are probably other sources of funding that could be considered. We have raised the idea of ​​a tax on internet advertisements “, indicates Véronique Louwagie, deputy Les Républicains.

The left has also accused the government of taking inspiration from the extreme right to ultimately dismantle public broadcasting. “Zemmour and Mrs. Le Pen had asked for it, Mr. Macron will have done it”, launched the communist Stéphane Peu. Marine Le Pen, however, felt that ” the government’s plan has nothing to do with what we want to do “, namely a ” privatization in due form.

Another proposal from the left this time: create a tax on digital giants. Options rejected in the state by the government which undertakes to guarantee each year the possible additional needs of the audio-visual public.

► Also to listen: What solution after the fee?
