Discover in images the wonders of the oceans and the incredible fluorescence of corals. Unique photos of rare beauty can be found in this slideshow. It is also an opportunity to protect the planet and even…to adopt a coral, with the Coral Guardian association. Do you want to do something for the planet? Are you looking for an original gift idea? Coral Guardian has implemented a participatory conservation program to unite everyone’s efforts and create a powerful network for change: Adopt a Coral. The goal is to help preserve the Coral reefs, essential to the balance of our planet and yet greatly threatened with extinction. How does the Coral Guardian program work? Coral Guardian undertakes to transplant a coral on an area of damaged reefs, in Indonesia. The cutting comes from the culture tables of the organization and always corresponds to the species natives so as not to upset the balance of the biodiversity local. This small gesture for the environment also contributes to the support of local populations, who depend heavily on it. You will receive a certificate personalized adoption card, with the name you have chosen for your piece of coral, its photo and its location GPS !
The mystery of corals in 15 exceptional photos