the muslim new year theoretically starts at the end of july

the muslim new year theoretically starts at the end of

HEGIRE 2022. In the Muslim religion, the month of Muharram marks the Hijri New Year. In 2022, the year 1444 should begin at the very end of July. Here are the key elements.

[Mis à jour le 13 juillet 2022 à 17h47] The month of Muharram is characterized by the new Hijri year which theoretically starts on Saturday July 30, the first day of the Hijri also called Raas Assana. This date commemorates the episode of emigration (Hijra) from Prophet Muhammad and his companions from Mecca to Medina in the year 622 CE. The new year of the Hijri calendar is generally the period during which Muslims who have the minimum amount of annual savings pay the nissab. It is one of the five pillars of Islam. The amount of the nissab is reassessed every year.

Two distinct views exist as to the date of “Raas Assana”. The reason ? To know when a month of this moon calendar ends and you enter another, you should see the crescent of the new Moon appear in the sky. However, there are two methods to ensure this:

  • the first method is to scan the sky. If we see the Moon with the naked eye, it means that the new month – and in this case, for Raas Assana, the new year – begins the next day. It’s the Ggrand mosque in paris who decides on the detectable aspect or not of the nocturnal star. For this body, whose decisions are generally followed by the Muslim community of France, the date of the 1st Moharam [nom du premier mois du calendrier musulman] 1444 [prochaine année dans le calendrier musulman] should correspond to Saturday July 30, 2022. It is only a few days or on the eve of that day that this information should be confirmed, via the traditional lunar observation organized in the evening.
  • the second method, called “astronomical”, makes use of scientific calculations. These allow the identification of a precise date of entry into the new year. According to the supporters of this method, including the CTMF (Muslim Theological Council of France), “the conjunction (new Moon)” is predictable and we can already say that the new year will begin on Saturday July 30 in 2022.

What does the Muslim New Year of the Hegira, which took place on Sunday, September 1 last year, cover? Already, it is the first day of the lunar year and the month of Moharam, a sacred month which corresponds to the first month of the Islamic calendar. The first Islamic year began in 622, with what Muslim believers consider to be the emigration of the Prophet Muhammad (or Muhammad) from Mecca to Medina, then called Hijra. For Muslims, the Muslim New Year therefore represents nothing less than the foundation of their religion, Islam.

The date of the Muslim New Year changes every year in our Gregorian calendar, since the lunar calendar used by Muslims, the “Hijri” calendar, is about 10 days less. In 2022, the Hegira is not celebrated in the same period as the Jewish New Year (5781), Rosh Hashana, which must take place on the days of September 26 and 27, 2022. If the Muslim New Year does not traditionally represent a feast day, unlike theEid al-Fitr for example, marking the end of Ramadan, or Eid el-Kébir, alias the feast of the sacrifice, it precedes Achoura by 10 days, provisionally fixed this year for Monday August 8, 2022. Finally, the date of the Hegira corresponds to a public holiday in several Muslim countries.

The Hegira or Muslim New Year, or “new year of the Hegira”, is also referred to by the term “Raas Assana” in the Muslim religion, but it can also be called Al-Hijra. It is a reminder of a Muslim holiday which requires the observation of the crescent moon during the night of observation / doubt to be validated, as for the Ramadan.

Hegira 2022, or the Muslim New Year celebration, brings the Hijri calendar into its 1444th year. A count that starts in the year 622 of the Christian era, the supposed year of the exile of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, and therefore the year of the foundation of Islam.
