The music streaming site Deezer stands out from the competition with a new feature that has no equivalent yet: automatic translation of lyrics during playback. Convenient for understanding foreign hits!
Would you like to finally understand the lyrics of your favorite songs, without having to search the Internet, and while you listen to them? It’s now possible, in real time during playback, thanks to Deezer. The famous music streaming platform has once again innovated by adding an automatic translation function from English to French, but also to Portuguese, German and Spanish – other languages will be added in the future. Convenient to finally decipher what the singers and singers say in languages that we do not master, especially since this function is available both for the Web version (for computer) and in the mobile application (for Android). and iOS) and that the translation is displayed in real time, and in a synchronized way, under the original lyrics while listening! Admittedly, not all songs have a translation, and the transcription is not always perfect, but Deezer has already translated some 10,000 of the most polar songs, which is an excellent start, especially if it concerns to satisfy as many people as possible. In addition, this function is not reserved only for paying subscribers: it can be used perfectly with a free account, provided that the translation is obviously not available. You can also test it very easily with the ready-to-use example playlist Hit Tracks, Hot Lyrics that Deezer has concocted for the occasion, and which contains around thirty titles in various genres.
This very practical function, and still without equivalent in the field, is added to the panoply of tools that Deezer offers to distinguish itself from the competition. Remember that the French platform was the first to launch the poster of song lyrics in 2014, an option from Spotify only integrated in… 2021! It is added to continuous reading (without interruption), moods of your choice (Deezer Flow) and playlists associated with a mood (Deezer Flow Moods). Proof that you can’t be first on the market, in number of subscribers, and have excellent ideas…
How to translate lyrics in Deezer?
Deezer’s lyrics translation feature is very easy to activate. Demonstration with the Web version for computer.
► With your usual web browser, go to the website Deezer.
► Search for an artist, album or song via the search field at the top, or use the ready-to-use sample playlist by clicking on the link Hit Tracks, Hot Lyrics.
► If a microphone icon appears on a title, the lyrics are available. Click on the microphone: playback begins immediately and the lyrics are displayed on the screen, in playback synchronized with the music, like in karaoke.

► If a translation exists, a button labeled WITH TRANSLATION is displayed at the bottom. Click on this button : the lyrics automatically translated into French are displayed below the original lyrics, always playing in sync with the music.

► To return to the display without translation, simply click on the button WITHOUT TRANSLATION.