Emilia was taken care of during large parts of her upbringing. She lived in various family homes and was also placed in SiS and HVB homes. It was in a SiS home that she got to know the girls who are now suspected of having murdered her.
When Emilia died, an investigation was underway into where she should live and during that time she was placed with her mother. During the investigation, it was found that she should live either in a family home or in an HVB home because she needed more support and treatment.
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“Want to shut up”
In his report to Ivo, the Inspectorate for Care and Care, the anonymous whistleblower, who claims to work within Kristianstad municipality, says that the handling of the case should be Lex Sarah-reported. But that the municipality does not want to file a report:
– They want to hush up what has happened because they are afraid that the media will get hold of a possible Lex Sarah, says Ivo’s summary of the report.
The municipality rejects criticism
Ann Christine Bjerrehus, director of operations at the Employment and Welfare Administration in Kristianstad municipality, is adamant that the administration found no basis for a Lex Sarah notification.
– We have looked through the matter and made the assessment that we had no wrongdoing in it, she says.
She also refutes the claim that social services are hush-up about any circumstances in the case.
– Lex Sarah investigations are constantly reported in the administration. We don’t silence that, but we learn from what we find, and the flaws we find, says Ann Christine Bjerrehus.
In the video you get a summary – in 60 seconds. Photo: Joel Sund/SVT