The murder in Blombacka, the fourth shooting with the same weapon – the police’s new way of working provides faster analyses

A police officer who was out walking his dog in Hovsjö in Södertälje found the deadly weapon that was used in the fatal shooting in the district of Blombacka during the summer. In the shooting in an apartment in central Södertälje, a man was injured so badly that he later died.

During the technical analysis at the National Forensic Centre, NFC, DNA was found, which led to the arrest of a person suspected of aggravated weapons crime and aiding and abetting the murder.

The analysis also showed that the weapon is used in several previous acts of violence, which baffles the police.

– There is no shortage of weapons, so it is surprising that a weapon, as in this case, is seen to be used on several occasions, says Johan Allard, investigator at the Södertälje Police.

Faster weapon analysis

It is nothing new that weapons are reused in several acts of violence. The new thing is that the police today – with new working methods – can discover it earlier.

Every week, the police’s special weapons hub meets and exchanges information on the latest seizures and events.

– We have another exchange within the police now that allows us to share information between different investigations, says Stephen James, head of NFC in Stockholm.

– In the past, the average time to get an answer about whether a weapon was seen in several cases was seven weeks – now it is hours.

Hear about the weapon’s path – and what benefit the investigators have from being quickly reached by the results from the weapon analysis in the clip above.
