The murder at Malmö Latin School: Today the 18-year-old is heard in the trial

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During the first day of the trial last Wednesday, the 18-year-old confessed to both murders and approved the requested damages through his lawyer.

The trial is planned to last for a total of four days, and on day two, among other things, the accused 18-year-old will be heard.

Follow SVT’s live reporting from the trial below.

3 min

Good morning. Today, the trial continues after the crime at Malmö Latin School. Our reporter Otto Johansson will report on site in the district court.

20 July 15:08

Thanks for tuning in for this first day of trial, we’ll end the chat for today but pick up the live coverage next Tuesday.

20 July 15:06

With that, today’s hearing ends and the district court resumes it next Tuesday.

20 July 15:06

These hearings will be held next Tuesday, July 26, and then the 18-year-old suspect will be questioned.

July 20 15:05

The defense lawyer also says that the 18-year-old himself will recount and explain his motive for the murders later on during the trial.

20 July 15:04

According to the defense lawyer, the 18-year-old, when he was in the school toilet to change into his uniform on March 21, decided to carry out the act and that his victims were chosen completely at random.

20 July 15:03

The defense attorney goes on to say that the question of why the 18-year-old took other lives instead of his own is difficult to find an answer to, but that the 18-year-old himself saw it as if he had to carry out an act so horrible that he himself would not want to survive .

20 July 15:03

The defense lawyer says that the 18-year-old was very lonely growing up, and was exposed to bullying. In the end, the 18-year-old saw no other way out than to take his own life.

20 July 15:03

Defense lawyer Anders Elison further says that what will emerge during the hearing, when the 18-year-old is to be questioned, is what the 18-year-old means by his perceived exclusion. He has said several times during questioning and during the SOS call that he is a “draft”.

July 20 14:57

Defense lawyer Anders Elison also has no objections regarding the presentation of the case. The 18-year-old suspect has confessed to the crimes and granted compensation to the relatives of the victims.
