The municipality after the knife fight in Eskilstuna: “The resources are there”

Four schoolchildren in Eskilstuna had to be taken to hospital after they clashed in a knife fight on Thursday. A day after the incident, Lisa Edholm, head of the primary school in Eskilstuna municipality, says that it is important that the schools remain open as usual on Friday.
– In situations like this, it is important that all young people in Eskilstuna have as normal a day as possible with teachers and staff that you know and can talk to, she tells TV4 Nyheterna.

It was at 12:45 on Thursday that the police were alerted to the incident, which is said to have taken place in connection with an outdoor day. Four boys were found at the scene, all of whom had to be taken to hospital. According to Region Sörmland, two of them are said to be “more seriously injured”, while the other two are said to be “less seriously injured”.

Lisa Edholm says that students feel worried and are sad about what happened, and that it is important that the school stays open as usual.

– The resources are available at the school, we have a school day just like usual. The students have lessons, but it is of course adapted for the grades that were affected yesterday. So it’s a normal school day, but of course with elements of conversation and the opportunity to seek out adults if you need it as a student, she says.


See an interview with the school principal in the clip

Many teams in place

During Thursday, many teams are on site at the school to support students and staff, Lisa Edholm further explains.

– It is important that we now as a municipality ensure that we mobilize the resources we have in the form of various support teams both from children and education but also joint resources from social services and culture and leisure to ensure that we exist and are seen.

Three arrested

On Thursday afternoon, the police announced that three young men had been arrested on suspicion of crime. All are aged 15. All three have also been arrested by prosecutors.

The police are investigating the incident as attempted murder or murder.
