The municipal board in Gävle removed the SD’s case from the agenda – breaks the law

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In 2021, the municipality of Gävle published advertisements in the local newspapers representing the chairman of the municipal board Åsa Wiklund Lång (S), where she thanked the residents of Gävle for efforts in connection with the floods last summer.

The Sweden Democrats in Gävle perceived it as advertising for the Social Democrats, rather than general information from the municipality.

They wrote a so-called initiative case for the municipal board’s meeting on September 14, 2021, where they therefore wanted the payment for the advertisements to come from the Social Democrats’ own coffers instead of the municipality’s.

The municipal board decided not to take up the case.

– This was an advertisement ordered by Gävle municipality, and executed within the administration. So it is not a political decision. Then we asked ourselves if this could really be a matter for the municipal board, says Åsa Viklund Lång (S), chairman of the municipal board.

Was taken to court

The case was taken further to the administrative court, which now gives the Sweden Democrats the right – the decision not to take up the case violates the Municipal Act. The court does not take a position on the matter itself.

– The serious thing is that they have prevented a democratic party from operating, says Mattias Eriksson Falk (SD), municipal councilor in opposition.

– That is a gross exaggeration. We are incredibly careful with rights. This was very unclear and I wanted to try the matter, says Åsa Viklund Lång(S).
