The mouth of the person who saw the x-ray was left open! Those who came out of their genitals were surprised

The mouth of the person who saw the x ray was

A woman in her 30s who wanted to have a child, went to a doctor’s examination and learned that she had a stone the size of a ping-pong ball in her genitals and therefore she was infertile.

While everyone is familiar with the formation of stones in the kidney and gallbladder in the medical world, the stones in the size of a ping pong ball formed in the vagina surprised both the woman and the doctor.

Shocking photos published in Urology Case Reports show palm-sized pebbles removed from her body in surgery.


Doctors state that the stones formed in the vagina are formed very slowly and are very difficult to detect because they do not show any symptoms for years. The 30-year-old woman, whose name has not been released, learned the truth when she went to see a doctor because she wanted to have a child.


Vaginal stones, medically known as cholelithiasis, are a very rare condition that most gynecologists will never see during their careers.
