The Moulin Rouge, famous Parisian cabaret, will find four new “temporary” blades

The Moulin Rouge famous Parisian cabaret will find four new

The Parisian cabaret welcomes four new blades which will be assembled one by one, before an inauguration scheduled for July 5. The establishment saw its wings fall at the end of last April without any precise cause having been identified.

2 mins

A Mecca for Parisian tourism, the Moulin Rouge could not remain for long without its wings and without the first three letters of its name M, O and U, located on the facade, which also fell at the end of April. This installation is, however, temporary and the new, definitive wings, which can rotate, will be installed later.

On July 15, the Olympic flame passes in front of the Moulin Rouge, so it was very important to be ready for that moment », specified Virginie Clérico, director of the Moulin Rouge brand.

On June 24, a first wing made of aluminum and steel was assembled using a crane, in front of the delighted residents of the neighborhood.

It must be said that in Pigalle, in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, the famous music hall, temple of french cancan, makes its neighbors proud: “ Our little Moulin Rouge is back! We are super happy “, exclaimed Raymonde Rogojarski, who lives “ just behind “. “ It’s very touching to see the wings come back so quickly “, she told AFP. Within four days, the four wings will be fixed, the electrical connections finalized, the tarpaulin and scaffolding removed.

Last April, the blades fell in one piece. No doubt a problem at the axis level, Jean-Victor Clerico, its general director, explained on France Télévisions, stunned. He assured in fact that this installation was “ checked daily “. Management had, however, affirmed that it could exclude any “ malicious act “.

Read alsoFrance: in Paris, the wings of the Moulin Rouge fell without causing any injuries

For almost 135 years, the dancers of the Moulin Rouge have amazed spectators from all over the world, among whom we could count, in the early days, Auguste Renoir, Toulouse-Lautrec, Georges Braque, Aristide Bruant, Guillaume Apollinaire and even Pablo Picasso. There is no doubt that in this period of high attendance linked to the holding of the Olympic Games, the temple of the “French cancan” will be, like every evening, a full house.
