Emelie Olsson’s mother was a warm and resourceful person, who always helped others. This is how Emelie remembers her mother from childhood. Later in life, the mother ended up in an escalating addiction, and Emelie made several reports of concern but was not taken seriously. Eventually, Emelie broke off contact with her.
Several years later, Emelie decided to approach her mother and it was only then that she realized how serious the situation was. Then Emelie decided to try to save her life:
– It was a huge shock. I was pissed off that no one had done anything and felt a great tenderness for her… If I hadn’t done something, she would have died, she says in After five.
Suffered from co-morbidity
Emelie’s mother suffered from co-morbidity, which means that you have two or more diagnoses at the same time, and it is common to have both an addiction and a mental diagnosis. According to the National Board of Health and Welfare’s guidelines, people with co-morbidities must receive integrated treatment – which means that you get help for both diagnoses at the same time. But that care is hard to find today.
In 2020, an investigation into co-morbidity was added – and the final report for it was presented a few weeks ago. It proposes “A comprehensive reform of the entire substance abuse and addiction care, and of the psychiatric care for people with extensive needs.”
Co-morbidity or dual diagnosis as it is also called, means that a person has been diagnosed with both an addiction and a mental illness.
Current research shows that approximately 70 percent of those seeking treatment for addiction also have at least one other psychiatric illness.
Sometimes it is the addiction that has caused the mental illness and sometimes the other way around. Regardless of which was the chicken or the egg, the scientific world today agrees that you must treat both diseases at the same time.
Source: Stockholm addiction clinic