The mother of the killed girl in Landskrona: “Don’t understand”

The girl was going to a pajama party with some friends.
A few hours later she was found dead.
Now another girl under the age of 15 is suspected of murder.
– My daughter was an angel who always stood up for everyone. Maybe this world wasn’t ready for her, says the dead girl’s mother to TV4 Nyheterna.

It was shortly after midnight on Tuesday that a police patrol found the girl lifeless outside in Landskrona. She was later pronounced dead in hospital. According to prosecutors and the police, she had been subjected to severe violence. Another girl under the age of 15 is now suspected of murder and kidnapping.

The dead girl’s mother says that her daughter was supposed to meet some friends at a pajama party in Landskrona on Monday. The girl was stressed about going away and they argued.

– When she was on the train, she texted me: “Sorry mom for behaving badly because I was stressed. I love you and you are my life”. It was her last text message to me, says the mother to TV4 Nyheterna.

Would start over

The mother says that the daughter was placed in a family home from the time she was five years old, but a few weeks ago they lived together again.

– We were going to start over and planned what our home would look like. I had just finished building a dressing table for her and she had had to choose other furniture. She was so happy.

The mother says her daughter was a caring person who often stood up and helped the weak in society. She wants to talk about her daughter publicly, to spread the word about who the daughter was and what she stood for.

She says that the girl sometimes approached homeless people in town and offered help, and that she wanted to start a home care company to help the elderly.

– My daughter was an angel who always stood up. I want people to know that.

“Just felt empty”

On Tuesday, a police patrol knocked on the mother’s door and told her about her daughter’s death.

– I just felt empty, I didn’t want to exist anymore. We have fought so long for her to be well.

– I don’t understand why anyone would want to hurt her.

“Does not matter”

The police investigation continues with, among other things, questioning of the suspected girl. Investigators are also looking into whether there are other people involved in the murder.

The dead girl’s mother has a hard time feeling that the investigation matters.

– For me, it is already too late. Nothing helps now. My daughter is already dead.

She says she is now getting support from friends and is still trying to come to terms with what has happened. In a few days, a delivery will arrive from Ikea with furniture that the girl wanted in their new home.

– When the stuff arrives, I will set it up anyway. And close the door to her room. I want it to stay, I don’t want to forget her.
