When Zacharias leaves Sweden’s master chef, it will be one of the most tearful farewells in the program’s history. And after he paid tribute to the other participants in the competition, it broke for everyone: – It has been a favour. When it’s time for elimination in Sweden’s master chef, it’s between Zacharias, Stefanie, Fanny and Nazuk. And when it becomes clear that it is Zacharia’s turn to leave, both the jury and the other contestants become unusually emotional. – I hope you feel how much we like you. We are absolutely sure that you will continue to work with food. Thank you so much for letting us join you in the kitchen. It has been a pure favour, says Mischa Billing. Both the jury and Zacharias are moved to tears by her words. – I get a little moved, Zacharias replies. His farewell moves everyone to tears When it comes time for Zacharias to say goodbye, he pays tribute to his fellow contestants – who will now meet in the semi-finals: – Even though it’s terribly sad to leave, there are none I would rather be in a semi-final than that this gang, he says and points to his fellow contestants. He says that he is grateful that he has been able to do something he loves and that he has been able to show that he can cook. – I sincerely hope that I will now have the opportunity to work with food full-time. That is what my dream is. Watch one of the most emotional farewells in the history of Sweden’s master chef – in the player above.
The most tearful farewell in the history of Sweden’s master chef: “Rörd”