The most talked about claim in the European country: The list has been created! Preparing to deport imams

The most talked about claim in the European country The

The Council of State gave the green light to the deportation of Imam Hassan Iquioussen, which caused controversy in France, and even though it turned out that the imam had left the country, France issued an arrest warrant to bring the imam back and deport him. This decision caused protests in the country and was met with backlash. Finally, there has been a new development regarding many imams and a very controversial claim has been made. It has been claimed that French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin has created a list to send many more imams from the country. Here are the details…


The news, written by Lou Syrah from Mediapart newspaper, alleged that Darmanin was preparing to deport well-known Muslim figures.

In the news, it was also noted that the French authorities did not renew the session of many people, including prominent Muslim representatives Ahmed Jaballah and many imams, and that some of them were presented as “enemy of the Republic” by showing them as affiliated with the “Muslim Brotherhood”.

In the news, which pointed out that government officials have started to use the arguments that the far right has used for years against Muslim institutions and individuals, it was emphasized that the victims of the fight against Islamophobia are Muslims again.


In the news, it was stated that a few days after the Council of State’s decision, the Ministry of Interior prepared a list of nearly 100 names, including preachers, heads of associations and representatives, for the deportation of the units under the Ministry of Interior, and the French Minister said, “The Council of State decision states that a person must be born in France. allows deportation even if he is married, has children and has reached the age of 58.” expressions were recalled.

Reminding that a total of 734 people, 72 of whom were deported in the last 7 months, have been deported for similar reasons since President Emmanuel Macron took office. It was underlined that he was not convicted or sentenced for any of the ” or ” misogyny ” charges.

The report also alleged that Darmanin had targeted Iquioussen in the first place, especially since he did not help him in the elections when he was the mayor of Turcoing.

On the other hand, Egyptian-born Swiss citizen, thinker, academician, writer and Islamologist Prof. Dr. Tarık Ramazan also made the assessment on social media, “No one can stop the Minister of Interior from now on, since the situation in France has become a situation to be examined in the laboratory and the majority remains silent.”



Interior Minister Darmanin, in a statement on Twitter on July 28, claimed that Imam Hassan Iquioussen had been exhibiting hate speech against the values ​​of France for years, contrary to the principles of secularism and equality between women and men, and stated that he would be sent from French territory.

The Paris Administrative Court, to which Iquioussen applied through his lawyer, suspended Minister Darmanin’s decision to expel the imam on the grounds that it “disproportionately violated his private and family life”.

The Ministry of Interior under Darmanin’s administration appealed to the Council of State by appealing against the court’s decision.

On 30 August, the Council of State overturned the court’s decision and gave the green light to Iquioussen’s deportation.

After the decision, although the French police immediately raided the imam’s house on Darmanin’s instruction, it was revealed that Iquioussen had left the country before the decision.

France had issued an arrest warrant to bring the imam back and deport him.

Human rights defenders reacted to the deportation decision of the imam, who has no criminal record and no penalty.

Hundreds of people protested the imam’s deportation decision yesterday in the capital Paris. (AA)
