In the week before Christmas, a man, the programmer, vedal987, is once again the most successful streamer on Twitch. Because he created a chatbot that, as the VTuber “Neuro-sama,” has become a streaming star since 2022.
What kind of statistics is that? The Steamcharts site regularly evaluates who is ahead in the various categories on Twitch.
In the category “Largest streamer on Twitch” from December 15th to 21st is Vedal987 with 752,000 hours watched, in second place is US streamer Emiru.
Vedal doesn’t stream on his channel most of the time, at least not as himself, that’s done by “Neuro-sama”, an AI Vtuber and a chatbot who streams live on Twitch and appears as a wide-eyed girl who answers all questions with a dry sense of humor the viewer answers and is funny and quick-witted.
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Programmer runs chatbot as a full-time job
What is Neuro-sama? In an interview with Bloomberg, Vedal explained the background to his creation. But he wants to remain anonymous; neither his age nor his whereabouts are known.
According to Vedal, Neuro-sama uses a language model that responds to users’ questions and then announces their answers in a cute voice via a text-to-speech application. Vedal says Neuro-sama is his full-time job.
The character was created in December 2022, received a new model in May 2023 and is apparently growing in popularity on Twitch.
If the programmer isn’t careful, Neuro-Sama regularly tries to ruin him:
December 2024 in particular was a complete success for Vedal987; in that month he had 12,273 viewers on his bot.
During the year, the channel gained 47% in viewership and was watched for almost 6 million total hours. Apparently many prefer the chat bot to a real person.
How is this discussed? The streamer Asmongold uses the statistics to ask: “Are men perhaps better women?”
In the comments, people are particularly impressed by the further development of AI: the AI can now remember people and conversations. In general, he is given a lot of credit for the work and expertise he puts into his project.
Asmongold is having fun on VTuber. According to his thesis, Vtubers are like a cheat code for women: They don’t have to wear make-up or get ready and can still appear as a cute AI version of themselves. With a chatbot, the person doesn’t even have to be there: Huge Twitch star explains: VTubing is “like a hack for streamers”