The Most Romantic Flower-Inspired Baby Names

The Most Romantic Flower Inspired Baby Names

Flowery names have a lot of charm, and they’re not just for girls! Find our most beautiful ideas for fashionable, exotic flower names of Japanese, English or Arabic origin, for baby girls and boys.

THE first names derived from nature inspire young parents and are very trendy. Whether baby is born in the spring or any other season, opt for a flowery first name is a very good idea. Your baby will be happy and proud to discover, as he grows up, that he has a first name from nature, and all the more so if it comes from a flower. Synonymous with beauty, often very fragrant and colorful, flowers decorate our gardens and interiors, or offer themselves out of love… So many reasons to fall in love and assign a pretty flowery name to your child. While there are more flower-inspired names for girls, boys are not left out! Whatever the sex of your future baby, you will certainly find what you are looking for in our selection of first names inspired by flowers.

flower names for girls

Future parents who are expecting a little girl are spoiled for choice, as the flowery first names are perfect. Hyacinth, Iris, Hortense, Rose, Lila, Garance, Marguerite, Jasmine, Violette or Eglantine… Inspiration abounds! For a little originality, why not opt ​​for the first name Magnolia, which is the name of a tree and means “blooming tree” in Latin? Parents who love original flowery first names can also be tempted by Azalea, Anthea or Bindweed. lily, a very widespread flower, and which is nevertheless a rare feminine first name. more classic, the first name Flora or Flower may also appeal to young parents.

Flower names for boys

Often misunderstood, there are still many flowery names, and we bet you didn’t even know that some had a connection with plants! Lorenzo, for example, is derived from the laurel, whileAmbrose comes from the ambrosia plant. First name Narcissus comes to us from a first name of a character from Greek mythology, but it is also the name of a flower! Linen is also a flowery name for baby boy, which designates the plant of the same name. We can also cite Olivier, the name of the tree producing olives, and Lupinea magnificent flowering plant. Yolan, him, means “violet” in Latin. As for Anthony, it is a flowery masculine first name, since it comes to us from the Greek “anthos”, which means “flower”, and its derivatives are numerous: Antoine, Antonin, Anthony...

What are the rarest flower names?

While some flower names are well known, others are much rarer. On the side of rare female flowery first names, we can cite Anemone, Angelica, Marjoram or even Camellia. The first name Marguerite had its heyday in the first half of the 20th century, but it is very little attributed today. First name Elodie was also very popular in the 1980s-90s, but few babies wear it anymore. In Greek, it means “fragile flower” or “field flowers”. Also mention the first name Dahlia (or Dalia), a beautiful flower that exists in many colors! hyacinth is also a rare flower name, and it is mixed. First names Florentine, Florentine or even Florent are little attributed, and they are derived from the Latin term for flowering.

For little boys, the first name Crisanto, which designates the chyrsanthemum or the “golden flower”, is also very rare. Aster is a rare male flower name. It means “star” in Greek, and designates flowers that look like daisies.

Which exotic flower name to choose for baby?

Rose, Lila… These flowers (and first names!) are well known to us, but there are also names of exotic flowers.

  • For boys, for example, the Nao name comes to us from Vietnam, where it means “peach blossom”.
  • Mixed, first name Aloe (or Aloes) inevitably brings to mind aloe vera.
  • On the side of flowery female first names, Leilani and Mohala come to us from Hawaii and mean “flower of paradise” and “flower that blooms” respectively.
  • On the Indian side, let us quote the name Ganhaliwhich means “flower fragrance” in Hindi.
  • In Thai, sumali means “beautiful flower”,
  • Thylane means “little wild orchid” in Vietnamese.
  • On the side of China, first name Mulan is not only that of the famous Disney heroine, since it means “magnolia”.

What are the fashionable flower names?

Some flower names are more popular than others. As for female first names, it is impossible not to mention Pink, which has risen to the top 20 of the most popular girl’s names in France for several years. First name Chloe is also very trendy. However, the Chloé are celebrated on October 5, on the occasion of Sainte-Fleur. The reason: Flora (the goddess of spring in Latin mythology) is called Chloris in Greek mythology and means “young shoot”. Lila and Nasturtium are two other female flower names that have enjoyed some popularity in recent years.

As for first names inspired by male flowers, Anthony is frequently attributed and, in Greek, it means “which eats flowers”. There is also Basil or Basil, very close to the English term “basil”, which means “basil”.

Arabic flower names

The Arabic flowery first names are very numerous. Zoran will appeal to parents of little boys! In addition to having beautiful sounds, it means “flower”. Imran is another flowery Arabic male given name, meaning “blooming”, “blooming” and “prosperity”.

As for Arabic female first names, a number of them mean “flower”: Zahra, Zahara and Ketifa. The first name Nessim, he means “wild flower”. Swasan and Warda are two other flower names in Arabic for little girls, which mean “lily” and rose respectively”. Yasmine, reminiscent of jasmine.

List of the prettiest flower names in Japanese

There is no shortage of flowery Japanese names. We can thus cite the mixed first names Momo (“peach blossom”), Ren (“lotus”), Riko (“jasmine”) and Kiky or Kiki (“chrysanthemum”).

Among girls, there are many Japanese and feminine flower names, like Sakura, which means “cherry blossom”, one of the emblems of Japan. Hanae (or Anae) means “majestic flower” or “flowering branch”, whileHana means “flower”. We can also mention first names Azami (“beautiful flower”), Chibana (“thousand flowers”), Sayuri (“lily”) and Akina (“spring flowers”).

flower names in english

Flower names exist in all languages, including English! For little girls, flowery first names Daisy and Lily are well known, and mean “daisy” and “lily”. We can also mention Holly, which refers to holly. As for the first name Blossom, it means “to bloom”, “bloom” and “to blossom”. Mixed first names Jasmine and Jasmine are more attributed to girls, but are also suitable for boys and denote jasmine. On the side of male first names, there is the first name Briar. However, “briar”, in English, means heather or rosehip.
